Lockhart Flying Club


Fly More, Fly More Planes!

Welcome to the Lockhart Flying Club.

The Lockhart Flying Club was founded in 2018 to help get more pilots into the air, in more aircraft, and going more places. Our membership is growing steadily, and we are currently approaching 40 members. We aim to keep around 10 pilots per aircraft, and as we are nearing 40 members, we have begun our search for the next addition to our fleet.

Membership structure

Membership in the club is non-equity, so you aren't buying an expensive set of shares in our aircraft, a one-time buy-in and monthly dues are all we ask. The buy-in is $2000, which can be paid as a lump sum or in four equal parts, and the monthly dues are $150 per month. These funds help ensure that the club has enough as new members join to cover any contingencies, insurance costs, hangar costs, and any other ongoing expenses. Each aircraft has a wet rate listed in the aircraft section on the home page. Wet rates range from $75 per hour (Zulu) to $160 per hour (Kilo-Kilo). With a two-place trainer and two four-place aircraft currently available to members, you will find something for every mission.


The club has all sorts of pilots. We have student pilots through Commercial pilots and beyond. Pilots never stop learning, and every member has a different mission, including local flight training, instrument training, grabbing a $150 hamburger (or seafood), and even some cross-country flying to see family and friends. Once a member, you'll take a check-ride for each plane you want to fly with any board-vetted CFI to fly solo (including solo with passengers) in that aircraft. Checkouts consist of groundwork and flying with an approved CFI.

Student Pilots

First of all, welcome! Flying is a life-long journey that will challenge you in every way, and we are happy that you are beginning that journey with the Lockhard Flying Club. Never stop learning. Never stop flying. Our flight club will be with you every step of the way. The foundation goal of the club is to get more pilots into the air, we do not restrict flights to certificated pilots*, and we allow student pilots from 0 time. We have a list of vetted CFI/II instructors who instruct members from their first flight through commercial training, and we would be happy to provide their information upon request. If you already have your own CFI, you can still receive instruction from them in club aircraft, although they will need to be approved by the board and have PIC time in the model. (*The Cessna 182 insurance requires a minimum of a private pilot certificate, a high-performance endorsement, and 5 hours in the same type (make/model) to fly it solo or solo with passengers.)


The club is not a flight school, and we employ no instructors. That said, instructors do not need to join the club to instruct but may join the club as an instructing member if they want to fly our aircraft themselves. Instructors may not permit non-members to pilot our aircraft.

International Travel

A luxury of our club is that we can fly internationally with permission from the board on a case-by-case basis. Pilots will submit detailed and accurate flight planning before travel is approved, and we reserve the right to deny any application for any reason. (As I'm writing this, one of our aircraft is in the Bahamas living life to the fullest!)


Pets may fly on our aircraft! There is a $350 deposit and a $30 fee per flight so long as each aircraft is returned clean, but we reserve the right to apply additional cleaning fees if it needs further cleaning.